Drilling can be used as study strategies during all phases of an environmental investigation. Check out!
Tags: drill box, drilling, environmental
In a world where there is increasing demand for mineral resources but also requiring a more sustainable outlook for the industry, new technologies are critical in all phases of a mining project.
Using wooden boxes to transport and storage diamond samples generated a series of difficulties, common to many companies in the mining sector.
Project We Nature is one of the 23rd Fritz Müller Award's winners, state recognition of an initiative by Core Case and NGO Eco Local Brazil
QAQC application to the mining industry aims at ensuring the quality of data and information used for decision making associated to the project is solid - thus interfering with relevant aspects of a mineral project that directly affect its development.
Mining is fundamental for the growth of renewable energy, since green technology strongly relies on certain metals and minerals - that come from mining.
Sampling is characterized as a selection and inference process, geared at representing a whole (a mineral deposit, for example) as concretely as possible through the analysis of its parts (samples).
To carry out a real estate project, whether it is for one's own home or for the construction of commercial and tourist buildings, and so on, it is necessary that all the soil study stages be carried out with the highest possible level of excellence and care, and one of these studies is the drilling.
Tags: drilling
The theme of sustainable practices in the mining sector is gaining more and more prominence, with the importance of developing solutions that can be adopted by the industry, generating less environmental and social impact.
The term ESG has been widely used. Thus, mining companies and companies in the mineral sector have sought to adapt to good practices. Find out more on our blog.
Probing are widely used in various sectors such as engineering, mining, geotechnics, among others. Learn more in this post about the main types and applications.
Tags: box, drilling
In a 2 hour effort, our team, made of supporters and volunteers, was able to cover a 150 meter zone of the Itajaí Bay, where approximately 200 kilos of garbage was collected.